The protection status of refugees from Ukraine will be automatically extended until March 4, 2026
With the regulation amending the Ukraine Residence Permit Continuity Ordinance (1. UkraineAufenthÄndFGV), residence permits that are still valid from February 1, 2025 in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act, including their conditions and additional provisions, will be automatically extended until March 4, 2026.
This means that an appointment with the responsible department for migration and residence regarding an extension is not necessary.
Housing & living in Augsburg
Finding somewhere to live, applying for benefits, attending German lessons: This site provides information about offers in the city for refugees from Ukraine.
Finding accommodation
Various types of accommodation are available in the Augsburg urban area for refugees from Ukraine: The City of Augsburg operates local accommodation and emergency housing. There is also an anchor centre and shared accommodation in Augsburg, which is operated by the Swabian local government. Social organisations and other partners also provide housing. Capacities are currently being increased further. Some private individuals are also offering somewhere for refugees from Ukraine to stay.
Please note: For hygiene and legal reasons, pets are not permitted in the emergency shelter, Karlstraße 4. Please note that there are no barrier-free showers and toilets.
Point of contacts for refugees without accommodation
Emergency shelter for refugees from Ukraine
The emergency shelter at Karlstraße 4 is a 24 h facility for refugees from Ukraine. To register, simply contact a member of the security staff on site.
• It is not possible to reserve beds in advance.
• The shelter can no longer accept guests when fully occupied.
• There are no single rooms or bathrooms available.
• Please note that there are no barrier-free showers and toilets.
• For legal and hygienic reasons, pets cannot be admitted to the facility.
Ukrainian refugees who arrive in Augsburg can contact the Bahnhofsmission in the central station:
Bahnhofsmission opening times:
Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 13:30, 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00
Informing the City of Augsburg
If you know about groups of refugees, who are on their way to Augsburg or who need accommodation right away, please send an email to ankunft-ukraine@augsburg.de. This is the only way support can be provided. In your email, please provide as much detailed information as possible about the arrive time, number of people, any language skills and any special needs (disabilities, acute illnesses, etc.). A telephone number is essential for replies.
Find private housing
Refugees looking for private housing can look for accommodation on an online search platform or directly using the Integreat App.
Please note: The listed accommodation is not an offer from the City of Augsburg.
After arrival: Registration
Below you will find all the information on how to register after you have arrived the City of Augsburg:
1st step: Registration at the Citizens Registration Office, in the area of migration and residence (Bürgeramt, Sachgebiet Migration und Aufenthalt
After your arrival in Augsburg, please first contact us using the contact form (Kontaktformular). You will receive an appointment for the required complete registration.
> contact form for registration
2nd step: Registration (residence registration) and application for the residence permit at the Citizens Office (Bürgeramt, Sachgebiet Migration und Aufenthalt)
After complete registration, refugees can register their place of residence and clarify their immigration status at the Citizens Office, Migration and Residence Department of the City of Augsburg (Bürgeramt, Sachgebiet Migration und Aufenthalt). You will be assigned this appointment directly after the registration appointment (Step 1) on site.
Alternatively, you can of course make an appointment at any time using the contact form below.
! Please note that the Migration and Residence Department of the City of Augsburg is only responsible for people who actually live in the city of Augsburg!
To make an appointment request, please use the
You will then receive an appointment confirmation. There you will find a list of the documents and forms you need to bring with you for your personal appointment.
Please bring all documents with you to your appointment. A trusted person can be brought along as an interpreter.
The appointment will take place at the Citizens Office, Migration and Residence Department of the City of Augsburg, An der Blauen Kappe 18, 86152 Augsburg.
Registering with the Foreigners' Registration Office
If you have registered at the ANKER Schwaben Civic Centre, Aindlinger Str. 16, 86167 Augsburg, you can register your home with the Augsburg Foreigners' Registration Office and also clarify your further status under immigration legislation.
Please note that the responsibility of the City of Augsburg Foreigners' Registration Office is currently limited to people actually with accommodation in the Augsburg urban area. Local districts such as Königsbrunn, Stadtbergen, Neusäss, Gersthofen and Friedberg are not covered by the City of Augsburg immigration authorities.
To arrange an appointment to register and clarify the further status under immigration legislation, please only use the >> Contact Form. Only in this way can processing take place quickly.
The following information is needed for registration:
- Proof of accommodation/WhitePaper
- Copy of passport
- For other nationalities, the Ukrainian residency permit
Please note that a separate contact form is necessary for each family member (spouse/life partner and/or children).
We politely ask that because of the large number of procedures we do not apply prioritisation and at present are unable to consider requested dates for your appointment. In principle, the next available appointment is assigned. You will receive confirmation of your appointment by email. The appointment confirmation will also tell you the documents and forms you need to bring with you to the appointment. Please bring them to your appointment completed in full.
If you need an interpreter to attend the appointment, you may bring someone with you.
Financial support
Persons from the age of 15 years up to the age of 65 years and 10 months:
Persons who are capable of working and in need of assistance from the age of 15 years* up to the age of 65 years and 10 months who do not receive an old-age pension can apply for benefits under Book II of the Social Code (SGB II) at the Augsburg-Stadt Job Centre.
According to legislative plans, the Jobcenter will be responsible for employable persons in need of assistance from the age of 15 years up to the age of 65 years and 10 months and their family members starting June 1, 2022.
If you belong to this group of people, we urge you to apply there immediately starting 01.06.2022. This is the only way to ensure the smoothest possible transition without gaps in received benefits.
You will find all the essential information on this and the option of submitting the application online on the > Jobcenter Augsburg City homepage or at jobcenter.digital.
You can find initial important information on the >Jobcenter info sheet.
Important: We ask you to refrain from personal appearances. In case of emergency, personal appearances are only possible by prior appointment by calling 0821/24135-230.
* This applies to unaccompanied young people who are without their parents/legal guardian in Augsburg.
Persons who are at least 65 years and 10 months old:
With immediate effect, refugees from Ukraine who are in need of assistance and who have reached at least 65 years plus 10 months by 01/06/2022, or who are receiving an old-age pension can apply for benefits according to the Twelfth Part of the Social Code (SGB XII) at the Office for Social Services, Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities
>> Multilingual online form for granting social assistanceSingle persons up to 14 years of age:
The Social Benefits Office of the City of Augsburg is still responsible for these persons. If you belong to this group of persons, the Office for Social Benefits will automatically send you the necessary application documents. You do not have to do anything else.
Food vouchers
- Refugees, who need a voucher for food and have not yet submitted a quick application for benefits according to AsylbLG, submit a quick application (ideally using the >> online form) and explain that a food voucher is needed. All documents must be complete (copy of passport and notification of appointment from the immigration authority for initial registration or certification from the immigration authority of initial registration.
- Refugees, who have already applied for benefits according to AsylbLG and have not yet received a decision regarding benefits according to AsylbLG, please apply using the email address: asylblg.soziales@augsburg.de for a food voucher. This procedure also applies to the granting of any other required food vouchers.
The Office for Social Benefits (Amt für Soziale Leistungen - ASL) issues the food vouchers. The people receive an appointment for collecting the food voucher.
The food voucher is a benefit according to AsylbLG and is offset against additional AsylbLG benefits.
Important: Personal consultations are not possible without an appointment.
Information & Offers for refugees in Augsburg
Refugees from Ukraine can get vaccinated against Corona free of charge. Free German lessons are also possible. Accompanying pets have to be registered with the veterinary office.
Help looking for missing persons
The Red Cross Tracking Service helps refugees and migrants who have lost contact with their relatives.
>> More information about the Red Cross Tracking Service can be found on the homepage of the Haunstetten district centre.
Children, young people, families & expectant mothers
Multilingual information for families and expectant mothers
>> Advice and information for families from Ukraine | Elternsein.info>> Important information for women
School and childcare
For information about education and registering Ukrainian children and young people (born after 2006) for primary and middle school in the City of Augsburg, parents and carers can contact the following person:
Monika Gronostay
Augsburg Education Authority
Tel: 0821 324-6941
Email: monika.gronostay@augsburg.de
Availability: Tuesday to Thursday, 13:00 to 15:00
The following information is needed for registration:
- Forename and surname
- Date of birth
- School year in Ukraine
- Current address
- Telephone number for contact
The office of the Human Rights Officer of the Ukrainian Parliament has drawn up an Information Guide for Parents, Children and Teachers about current web resources and portals. As a result, it should be possible for Ukrainian children to continue their education.
Refugees from Ukraine can get information about childcare from the Amt für Kindertagesbetreuung at ukraine.kita@augsburg.de.
Childcare and child protection
Many minors are arriving in the city, who are accompanied by adults, but whose relationship and actual situation are not clear. They frequently find accommodation in private households. This comes with a risk in respect to child protection and the protection of young people. As a result, the Office for Children, Young People and Families (Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie) is asking all refugees, experts and residents of the City of Augsburg for increased attention. If you have any suspicions, please contact us for advice – also anonymously – and tell us your suspicions. Reporting once too often is not a problem, not reporting once can have serious consequences for children and young people.
Child Protection Contact Point City of Augsburg
0821 324-2811
Outside of business hours: Please contact the police at 110.
Contact point for child protection Deutscher Kinderschutzbund
0821 455406 21
Multilingual information about Corona in Augsburg, vaccination and test options can be found at augsburg.de/coronavirus.
According to the Ordinance on Coronavirus Testing, Ukrainian refugees are entitled to a point-of-care antigen test. This entitlement also applies to people who are not insured with the statutory health insurance. For a citizens’ test, an official photo ID needs to be presented in order to confirm that person’s identity. A problem here, however, is that particularly the children travelling from these war zones often do not possess any form of identification. Due to the current situation, a pragmatic approach is required with regard to the documentation requirements. A non-bureaucratic approach to proving identity by presenting proof (e.g. driving licence, document on a mobile phone) is recommended.
Medical care
- Refugees can visit a doctor at any time if they have an acute illness. Physicians can request a treatment certificate from the Social Welfare Office (ASL = Amt für Soziale Leitungen).
- In an emergency, refugees can go to a hospital. The costs will be assumed retrospectively (emergency cases).
- As soon as refugees receive their basic benefits in accordance with AsylbLG law, they can apply by phone or email to the Social Welfare Office (ASL) for a treatment certificate before they visit a doctor.
Please note: Refugees who have received medical treatment and have not yet submitted an >> application for asylum seeker benefits are required to complete this application subsequently.
>> Leaflet Tuberculosis>> More information about Student Health Insurance in Germany
- After arriving in Augsburg, please register with the City of Augsburg Veterinary Office:
Tel.: 0821 324-3934
Email: veterinaeramt@augsburg.de - Please then find a practising vet for your pet so that your pet can be examined, vaccinated against rabies and, if applicable, chipped and so that a so-called EU pet passport can be issued.
- The Veterinary Office will be able to tell you whether and which vets in Bavaria have agreed to do this free of charge.
- Otherwise, you can find a practising vet in the “Find a Vet Service” at www.bltk.de.
- With these procedures, it is generally no longer necessary for your pet to stay in quarantine in Bavaria.
Free veterinary services (vaccinations, chipping, pet passports, any other services):
Tierarztpraxis Friedberg - Hochzoll GmbH
Frau Dr. Krucker
Meringer Str. 116
86163 Augsburg
Tel.: 0821/58979760
Dr. Scheerschmidt-Aumann
Römerweg 5
86199 Augsburg
Tel.: 0821/93010
Tierärztliche Praxis für Exoten
(no dogs/cats)
Hermann Kempf
Neuburger Str. 30
86167 Augsburg
Tel.: 0821/90729950
German lessons
- Language course advising:
Free language course advising is available in Ukrainian at the vhs-Augsburg.
- to German courses
- to application for the BAMF
- to classification
Always Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 to 4:30 PM. Appointments can be made at: 0821 502650
German Café:
Every Wednesday, the German Café is held in the Café Tür an Tür, Wertachstraße 29. Volunteers help you to learn German. Two sessions are offered, mornings from 9 am to 11 am and afternoons from 3 pm to 5 pm. Interested volunteers and learners are welcome at any time. Registration is not needed. Please send any questions to katharina.stark@tuerantuer.de
The German Café is now also coming to other parts of the city. Every Friday from 3 pm to 5 pm. The next date is 29 April 2022 in the Mehrgenerationentreffpunkt im Hochfeld, Hochfeldstraße 52. - In addition, Ukrainian refugees now have access to the following language courses:
- Integration courses BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - Integration courses
- Initial orientation courses BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - Integration courses
- Business language courses BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - Homepage - German for business
Participation in the integration course is free of charge to Ukrainian refugees.
Information on which institutions offer these courses in Augsburg, and other language learning programmes, is available in the app Integreat Language courses - City of Augsburg (integreat.app).
- The language learning platform Babbel makes its current offers available to refugees free of charge. Courses in Ukrainian for German, Polish and English are currently being developed. More information at https://uk.babbel.com/babbeldliaukrainy
With a residence permit, in principle refugees are allowed to work (see Registration). People here on a visa-free stay are not allowed to work and do not receive social welfare either.
Job vacancies can be found here, among other places:
JOB HELP FOR UKRAINIAN REFUGEES - Jobs for refugees in Europe (jobaidukraine.com)
If you would like a consultation regarding integration into the employment market, please register as looking for work.
This registration can be done in person, online at www.arbeitsagentur.de or by email / in writing.
- Registration in person is possible either during opening hours or by appointment. An in-person appointment to register as looking for work can be arranged by phone on 0821 3151125. You must bring your completed mini-work pack to the appointment.
- Registration online is possible at any time at www.arbeitsagentur.de by clicking the “Unemployed and looking for work” tile.
- For registration by email / in writing, you can send your completed mini-work pack by email to Augsburg@arbeitsagentur.de or by post to Agentur für Arbeit Augsburg, 86218 Augsburg.
Bank account
The Social Welfare Office (Amt für Soziale Leistungen - ASL) gives refugees confirmation that benefits have been claimed. This confirmation can be used to open a bank account.
- Refugees can get clothes, shoes, toys, cuddly toys and school bags for children and young people, along with outer clothing for women, from the second-hand shop collage, Heilig-Kreuz-Straße 19.
Available for free from Monday to Thursday, from 12:00 to 15:00.
- Refugees can obtain clothing, shoes, toys, soft toys and school bags for children free of charge from the Ukrainischer Verein Augsburg e.V. collection site at Hochfeldstraße 63,86159 Augsburg. The opening times are: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 3 pm.
- You can find a list of special department stores in Augsburg on the Integreat App:
>> Clothing, furniture, food - City of Augsburg (integreat.app)
Free time
Visits to permanent and special exhibitions in the following museums of the municipal art collections are free of charge for Ukrainian refugees during regular opening hours:
- Maximilianmuseum
- Schaezler Palace
- Graphic Cabinet in the Höhmannhaus
- Roman Camp in the Zeughaus
- H 2 - Center for Contemporary Art in the Glass Palace
- Hall 1 - Space for art in the Glaspalast
- New Gallery in the Höhmannhaus
- Leopold Mozart House
- (Brechthaus currently closed due to work in the building)
Admission is unbureaucratic, e.g. by presenting a valid Ukrainian identity document or appropriate proof at the ticket office.
Many Augsburg sports clubs already offer various sports for refugees from Ukraine. Some of the clubs even waive their monthly subscriptions fees until you have a support decision according to the education and participation packet. For more information about this, please contact the clubs directly.
More information, also in multiple languages, can be found on the following pages
- Information for refugees with disabilities is available from Aktion Mensch
- BAMF - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge - Infothek - FAQ for arriving from Ukraine and staying in Germany
- The homepage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Society provides information all about migrating from Ukraine and staying in Germany: This way to the BMI site.
- The Foreign Office has collated extensive information about support when leaving Ukraine: Current situation in Ukraine - Foreign Office
- germany4ukraine