Why Augsburg?

In Augsburg, a vivid economy connects with great innovative potential. Discover tomorrow's ideas with us today!

Global players, strong small and medium-sized enterprises, and a vibrant start-up scene call Augsburg their home. Networking, knowledge transfer and close cooperation between business, research, and politics are a matter of course. Environmental technology, information and communication technology, lightweight construction for the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as mechatronics and automation, are the proven fields of competence. With a focus on new materials, new production technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and adaptive production, the entire value chain is represented in Augsburg.

Augsburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe's fastest growing economic region, with excellent transport links and only 30 minutes away from Munich, but with an affordable cost of living!

Our green city with a nature reserve is the perfect place for a wide range of leisure activities. Founded by the Romans in 15 BC, Augsburg is the oldest city in Bavaria with lots of historical charm and UNESCO World Heritage. A Renaissance city not to be missed!

Welcome to Augsburg

Our services for your invest

At the Department for Economic Development of the City of Augsburg (Wirtschaftsförderung Stadt Augsburg), we act as a single point of contact for all businesses, from established companies to startups. Whether you're looking to expand, or relocate, we are here to provide support and advice. We can guide you through administrative procedures and help you build a network of business contacts.